
Crew & Culture

differentiated and impactful data

Posted on December 5, 2016

time is money. knowledge is power. yada yada yada. these are truisms. they’re truisms because they are obviously true yet reveal nothing new or interesting. knowledge is power. sure. that was probably a novel idea during the enlightenment, but now? really? time is money. sure! also, no shit.

Crew & Culture

Tech Hire, Oklahoma City

Published December 5, 2016 by Evan Anderson

we’re very excited to announce that today we have joined 71 committed cities, states, and rural communities participating in the techhire initiative. we will be spearheading efforts to help overlooked and underrepresented americans start technology careers.

if you are looking for a job in the tech industry, an employer looking to fill unfilled tech jobs, or a local organization just wanting to get involved, check out www.techhire.org!

Crew & Culture


Posted on December 2, 2016 by Evan Anderson

Oseberg_ship_-_IMG_9186erik, oseberg’s cofounder, and i have a little scandinavian blood running through our veins. each of us is 100.00% norwegian, to be exact. our grandparents were craftsmen, wheat farmers, blacksmiths, copper miners, fishermen, and whalers. they maintained wet shirts and callouses on their hands from honest work. longfellow said it best: they looked the whole world in the face, for they owed not any man. in the early 1900s they ventured to america to embark on a “viking.” in old norse, a viking means “expedition.” a trip with a purpose, a mission. a voyage. and in 2011 the memory of our ancestors called us to embark on our own viking: to explore the intersection of computer science and oil and gas. but we first needed a ship.

Crew & Culture

not your father's petroleum club - Bloomberg profile

Posted on May 21, 2014 by Evan Anderson

Good piece by Bloomberg highlighting how a new breed of entrepreneurs is re-shaping the “business end” of the oil & gas industry.

Crew & Culture

why we choose to go to the moon

Posted on April 1, 2014 by Evan Anderson

“but why some say, the moon? why choose this as our goal? and they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? why, 35 years ago, fly the atlantic, why does rice play texas?”

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