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What is EOG Planning in the Eagle Ford?


Texas Intents to Drill

  • More than 80% of EOG’s permits over the past 30 days have been filed in the Eagle Ford.
  • Half of these permits are in Gonzales and Karnes counties.
  • Below is a graph showing the five operators who have filed the most permits to drill in the Eagle Ford over the last 30 days. EOG is the clear leader, filing 3 times as many permits as ConocoPhillips.

No other operator has filed more than one permit to drill in Gonzales county in the last month. What is EOG planning here?



Frac Activity Focus in Texas

  • In 2018, EOG’s fracs have made up almost 20% of total fracs in the Eagle Ford. This is 60% more than their competitor, Marathon Oil, who has the second most number of fracs in 2018.
EOG Frac in the Eagle Ford Since 2017-1

A screenshot from oseFrac, Oseberg's frac data and analysis tool, mapping EOG's position in the Eagle Ford since the beginning of 2017.  

  • EOG primarily employs slickwater fracs in the Eagle Ford.  
  • Besides acid, the most commonly used additives in EOG’s fracs are Scale Inhibitor and Friction Reducer.

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