A company is only as strong as the people behind it. In our “Meet the Crew” Q&A blog series, we’ll be introducing you to the people behind the data.
Cris Byers: Program Manager
Hometown: Alexis, Illinois
Degree: Computer Science, Western Illinois University
Position: Program Manager
Joined Oseberg: September 2016
What do you do at Oseberg?
I’m a program manager, which is kind of like a project manager. For program management, we work with the product team to create requirements for what every project’s expected functionality is. We also work with the engineering team to plan, execute, and test projects.
What sets Oseberg apart?
We’re not rigid. We’re very flexible. All of us here have a lot of autonomy to be creative and get things done. We are also a very fun loving company. You see a lot of that in the industry as well, but I think we are exceptional.

What makes Oseberg fun?
We regularly do team lunches, events, we get together for board games. We do a lot of activities centered around community building. We also do things like Fika, for example, where we get together once a week and talk about who we are as a company, what our values are, and how those values apply to us and to the team. A lot of those discussions get pretty deep into what makes us a good team and how we can improve.
What Oseberg value do you most identify with?
Warrior spirit and servant’s heart. To me, that means doing my absolute best all the time while also maintaining humility and freely giving and receiving help from my coworkers. I think it means going out of your way for people too.
Describe Oseberg in 3 Words.
Driven. Creative. Fun.
Everybody here is really intelligent and innovative. We’re always pushing to make things better, to make the pipes flow more smoothly, to make things work more efficiently, as well as to create and adapt and innovate. At the same time, everyone here is fun to work with, and we have a great time even when we’re trying to bang stuff out.
What hidden talent are you most proud of?
I’ve played bagpipes since I was 12. I went to Scotland twice for the world championships. It was fun.

What's #1 On Your Bucket List?
Realistically, I’d like to go to Japan during cherry blossom season. Unrealistically, I’d like to go to space.
Can you speak any other languages?
I can order a beer in five languages.