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Early Signs are Positive for Latest Gulfport Fracs in the SCOOP

Written by Oseberg | Jul 17, 2018 4:10:00 AM

Oklahoma Weekly Report - 07/16/2018

Oklahoma Frac Activity 

  • This set of wells contained a mixture of linear gel and slickwater fracs.

  • Looking at the production data, 5 out of 6 wells had a similar mixture of gelling agent, friction reducer, and acid. Each of these 6 wells had an average concentration of 44% gelling agent and 14% friction reducer, while the acid varied between 27% and 43%.

  • The 6th well, 8-10X3H, however, did not use any acid in the frac. Instead, we saw in this well an increased concentration of gelling agent and friction reducer (67% and 31% respectively).

  • If 5 of the 6 wells had similar designs: why did the second best performing well increase the concentrations of gelling agent and friction reducer instead of adding acid in the frac?  

Oklahoma Leasing Activity

  • Valpoint Energy Partners has been actively leasing acreage in Western Oklahoma, primarily Roger Mills and Ellis counties.

Oklahoma Spacing Filings 

  • Roan Resources has been increasing activity in the Merge, which has been a hotbed of activity since the start of the year.

Oklahoma Completion Filings

Oklahoma Pooling Activity

  • Calyx Energy has become the most active applicant in terms of poolings, with all of their activity in the Arkoma Basin.  

Oklahoma Drilling Intents Filed

  • Given the high price of oil, Chaparral is looking to get the most out of its acreage in the STACK. They have been actively creeping towards the top of our list over the last couple of weeks, with a lot of activity in Kingfisher county.  

Oklahoma Transfer Activity

Oklahoma Location Exception Activity

Oklahoma Increased Density Filings