Oil is back over $70 a barrel, and activity is picking up all throughout Texas.
Apache has been increasing its activity over the last quarter with a primary focus on their Alpine High asset. We’ve been closely watching their rise to the top operator spot in Texas; will they become the number one operator in West Texas during the third quarter?
Energen has been actively targeting the Midland Basin.
EOG shows no signs of letting up in the Eagle Ford; only time will tell if Marathon overtakes them as the most active operator in the area due to their recent activity in Karnes County.
If you are only looking at completion filings, we hate to break it to you but you’re behind!
We looked at the most recent completion filings for Apache Corporation, which are tied to their Lynch A wells in Midland County. The completion documents were filed at the end of June for a frac job that started in February which would be old news by the time you’d hear about it!
Luckily, Oseberg has a solution. We take all the data submitted to FracFocus and process that information for you, keeping you up to date with the most current and complete data.
Looking at Apache’s permits, we’ve seen that they are about to expand their efforts around the Alpine High, and we all know how successful this has been in the past!