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Apache Turns Back to the Alpine High in the Second Half of 2018

Written by Oseberg | Jul 4, 2018 4:31:00 AM

Texas Weekly Report - 07/03/18


Texas Intents to Drill

  • Oil is back over $70 a barrel, and activity is picking up all throughout Texas. 

  • Apache has been increasing its activity over the last quarter with a primary focus on their Alpine High asset. We’ve been closely watching their rise to the top operator spot in Texas; will they become the number one operator in West Texas during the third quarter?

  • Energen has been actively targeting the Midland Basin.

  • EOG shows no signs of letting up in the Eagle Ford; only time will tell if Marathon overtakes them as the most active operator in the area due to their recent activity in Karnes County.


Texas Frac Jobs

  • If you are only looking at completion filings, we hate to break it to you but you’re behind!

  • We looked at the most recent completion filings for Apache Corporation, which are tied to their Lynch A wells in Midland County. The completion documents were filed at the end of June for a frac job that started in February which would be old news by the time you’d hear about it!

  • Luckily, Oseberg has a solution. We take all the data submitted to FracFocus and process that information for you, keeping you up to date with the most current and complete data.

  • Looking at Apache’s permits, we’ve seen that they are about to expand their efforts around the Alpine High, and we all know how successful this has been in the past!